Sudden thought

Dreaming is limitless. All you have to get is the courage to make it happen.


Old Fido Didooooo~

Saya menemukan bahwa baju-baju lama bisa kembali menjadi baru dengan sedikit modifikasi. Selain sesuai keinginan, hasilnya juga memuaskan. Gaksih, tergantung skill. Gakdeng canda

Plus, saya suka berpura-pura kreatif. Dan, inilah hasil temuan dan pura-pura kreatif saya 2 hari ini:






It looked like the first one is better. But trust me when I say THIS IS OPTICAL ILUSSION! Okay not really……… but I swear I drowned in it. So I decided to cut the bottom and the hands.

So whatever. Just wanna share this.

Caoooooooo~ Open-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smile btw I love Jenna Marbles…..



I have a lot of things to do until the end of the semester.
But first, let me take a good care of you, my dearest jumbo folded cutie tummy, leg and arms, okay deary....
Btw i miss my bestfriends......


Friday spell

Roda berputar.

As long as you’re doing the right thing, you’re fine, biatch.

So, K….. HERE I COME!!!!!!!

Fight for PRIDE!!!!

Gak deng. Pasti gangerti deh gue ngomong apaaa ciaaa alay lo ah dibilang gue gabakat nulis. Pengen mamer aja lg seneng.

Oke mari cao^^